Thursday 9 June 2011

Team Training Tuesday...Joining the 1000 Club!

Yesterday, in our 'Team Training Tuesday' session, we joined the exclusive '1000 Club'.

And, no- you can't buy tickets to this club- those babies must be EARNED.

To earn them is not an easy task, either.  Walk in the park??  Yeah, good luck!

Try doing 1000 - no, that wasn't a typo- I said...ONE THOUSAND...reps in one workout.

Yeah, we're pretty hardcore- what of it? ;-)

Seriously though, even when you've been informed of what is required of you in the session, it kind of doesn't 'hit home' JUST how many 1000 reps is...until you do the first 20 push-ups & realise 'oh right, only 180 of those suckers to go'....not to mention the 800 reps of the REST of the exercises that need to be done as well.  Feeling our pain yet?

If you still think it sounds easy, let's see ya'll have a go at it yourselves: (don't be scared!)

The 1000 Club

Lateral Swings
200 reps

Dynamic Rows
200 reps
It's difficult to demonstrate a dynamic row on the blog in still piccys, so check out the trainers here for a demo (2nd exercise in).

200 reps

200 reps
We did our push-ups on a bench or bar...but of course, if you can do 'em on the floor- go your hardest.
The trainers recommend you don't do 'chick' push-ups on your knees, as it changes the
bio-mechanics of the movement & isn't as effective.

Front Squat
200 reps

You can do the exercises in ANY order, in chunks of what EVER number that you just have to get the 200 reps of each done in the end! 

Here's our 'count sheet' that we did our running totals on (AKA- cold hard evidence of our awesomeness):

Kettlebell weights used & Time taken:

Krystal -   10kg        46min 34sec
Kirsten -   10kg   1hr  9min 54sec
Jo -            8kg        50min 44sec
Emilie -      8kg         49min 49sec

Apparently, men are supposed to use a 16kg kettlebell and women, a 12kg....& you should be aiming to get it done in under the hour.  We still think we're pretty hardcore, regardless. ;-)

From the mouths of the girls:

"I thought this work out was our hardest so far. I think we all did an amazing job to be able to finish this one. My upper body is so sore today I can hardly bear to wear my jacket. Warmth won out over pain." - Jo

"This challenge was extremely tough! And I thought last week’s was bad. I cannot begin to explain how sore my muscles are today, and I’m thinking it’s going to be even worse tomorrow! Out of the 5 exercises I most liked the snatch, I felt I actually did that one properly (yes I was pretty sucky at the others.) I really didn’t like the 200 push-ups, I tried to avoid them as much as possible then got left with heaps right at the end! (thought I was going to die!) And as for the others, I REALLY sucked L But I’m okay with it. I’ll just try harder next time.......A little scared about what we are up for next week!!!!"  - Emilie

"WOW...!!! That was one tough workout..  But now I’m officially in the 1000 Club.. Woohoo J  Who dares to join me.?  I was already starting to feel sore after the workout so you can just imagine how sore I was the next day, but it’s a good sore because I know I put in work...Not a huge fan of the “snatches” or maybe I just need to work on my technique, but I definitely struggled with those and the push ups.  1000 reps is impressive, and I’m so proud of myself and the girls for accomplishing it. Bring on the next workout Matt and Deb..'Let’s Go Reception'..." - Krystal

"I always go into these workouts so pumped & excited...then reality tends to hit.  Well, today reality hit in a big way...but dealing with such massive numbers, how could it not??  It's so easy to get preoccupied with how many reps you've got LEFT to do, even after slogging away at it for a good half hour (say WHAT?? Only 792 left to go?? You're kidding me, right??), but you just have to focus on the job at hand & chip away as many reps of each as possible...HOT tip: don't ask how many you've got to go!! - it's like throwing yourself to the wolves- believe me on that one. I entered Struggle Street after the 50 minute mark- how the HELL were the rest of the girls FINISHED?? All I wanted to do was tap out & admit defeat- that white flag nearly went up...but I pushed on & surprised even myself by finishing every last rep. (props to my support team!!) Was that SWEAT?? Nah, that was my fat cells crying! (& anyway, don't you know that ladies don't 'sweat', they GLISTEN! ...ha)" - Kirsten 

Until next time...train hard, eat right & laugh often!! ;-)

ps- check out the vid!   1000 Club - Reception Girls

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